

Dropbox file Uploader

DropshotThis addon enables a forum to use the Dropbox service as direct file uploader. It uses the Dropbox API and storage so that the files are NOT using the board's server space. It works as the standard forum upload box and once the file is submitted it gets directly injected in the post form

You need to register an Dropbox app to get the Client ID needed for this addon to work. For creating a new App go to your Dropbox settings and register it (Get an Access token for authorization). Use the client ID given under ACP > Postings > Attachment settings: Dropbox Client ID

Disable all the images upload allowed via forum attachment. This way Dropshot only will be utilized instead.
ACP > Postings > Attachments > Manage extension groups > EDIT : Allowed: Uncheck.

Versie: 3.1.2

  • phpBB versie: 3.1.6 en hoger
  • Installeer tijd: Ongeveer 5 minuten
  • Moeilijkheidgraad: Gemakkelijk
  • Laatst geupdate: Maandag 20 Juni 2016
  • Bestellen: Hier

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